Monday, May 9, 2016
Campus Tour
We had a very nice turnout for the campus tour even though it was a rainy day. VP
Narvel Weese guided us to the Law Center, two new residence halls – University
Place and University Park, and Evansdale Crossing where he treated us to lunch
at Octane on the fifth floor. Lunch was a sampling from the different restaurants
that are in the building. It was a very nice lunch and a beautiful view.
After lunch we toured the Art Museum. Staff opened on a Monday for us and docents
were available to tell us about the different collections.

Because of the rain, we skipped the walking tour and stayed on the bus to get to
the new Agricultural Sciences Building still under construction and the Advanced
Engineering Research Building. Once the Ag Sciences building is finished, the old
building will be demolished. The goal is to create a walking campus where the upper
and lower parts are accessible by either elevators, indoor stairs, or the connector
bridge at Evansdale Crossing. Some exciting changes have been made and some are still
in the works – and it was well worth the tour! Thanks Narvel.