Retirees Association

Annual Meeting 2021

Hillbilly Gypsies
Thursday, April 29, 2021
WVURA Annual Meeting

Our annual meeting was our first gathering since March 2020.  It was good to see our friends again.  We began with a short business meeting and the election of new board members.  We then listed to our speaker, John Fahey, former chair of the WVU Alumni Association board of directors and former member of the WVU Foundation board of directors.  John talked about the different mascots within the Big XII.  The most popular mascot, who's surprised, is our Mountaineer.  And, as a special treat, the Mountaineer joined our meeting and visited with our members.  We also had entertainment by the Hillbilly Gypsies.  That's them and the Mountaineer in the photo.  We enjoyed the refreshments and had a wonderful time!